Crossroads for Women's Transition House is a shelter that offers safe temporary emergency housing to women, trans and non-binary folks who are victims of domestic violence, as well as their children. Residents are able to stay at the transition house until they are able to secure safe housing for themselves, with the help of onsite staff. Emergency housing is available and staffed 24/7. While staying at the transition house residents are able to access a number of resources with the help of our trained staff. Crossroads has 38 beds, which includes 3 wheelchair accessible beds, and 3 cribs. Residents have access to a fully stocked kitchen, adult lounge area, family lounge area, children’s playroom, laundry rooms, and resource center. This is a service provided free of charge to those in need.

Please contact via our crisis line at 1-844-853-0811 or contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request emergency housing through our transition house.

What to expect? 

During your stay at Crossroads, there are so many things that will be going through your head and it might seem overwhelming. Here is a step by step of the main objectives of your stay here. (Please note that this does not limit the services and support that we can offer you)

Step 1: Admission Process

Admission would generally be after we would have spoken to you over the phone and did a visit. During your admission, we would have gone through the guidelines and paperwork that would need to be signed and agreed to. 

Step 2: Breathing period

This is the time that we allow you to get settled into a new routine of staying here. You can also be thinking of the support you may need. This typically takes 24-48 hours.

Step 3: Income

During this time we will be looking at your source of income and which ones you choose to take. Such as social assistance & NB housing, disability, jobs and doing your taxes if you have not done so (in order to give you access to GST if you are eligible). We will support you by providing the phone numbers and information that you would need to access these resources. 

Step 4: Identification

If you have no identification on you and need support accessing them or if you don't currently have the means to pay for this, there are certain agencies that can help with the costs.

Step 5: Housing

There are a lot of different options that you can use when looking for housing and we are here to help give you those resources. 

Step 6: Waiting Period

During this period is where things may seem more difficult. You are waiting for callbacks, getting your ID’s, sometimes just not knowing where else to look. This is a perfect time to take advantage of our programs and our staff to help guide you in the direction you want to go.  Daily programming is made and posted on a calendar at the entrance of the program room. If there is something you need specified help with please find a staff member to let them know. If you do not tell us what your needs are we aren’t able to support you as well as we can. Also, it is important that if you do not have a job or many appointments for you to be present in the shelter to be able to have access to all of the support we can offer. 

Please be aware that during this time it is important to be aware of your spending. This means purchasing food should be minimal due to us already providing meals and snacks. This is also a good time to be working on budgeting with staff, to ensure your maximizing your savings during your stay here. 

It is also important to be following the rules, being in by curfew, ensuring your chores are being done, helping out with the cleaning, your room being tidy, being in bed by lights out, so on and so forth. When rules are not being followed you will be receiving broken house rules. With this being said after 3 broken house rules, we are able to assess your stay here and if there is still a need for our services. We are at liberty to ask you to leave or to give you an end date of your stay here. 

Step 7: Moving

During this period you will be feeling overwhelmed with everything you will need to move out. TAKE A BREATH, we are all here to help you as best we can and there are services that can also help you with furniture and household items. 

We will provide you with a moving list and we will gather items that we have for you as well with a food box upon leaving day.